Prepared by Sýla Türkü Kural
HOW TO WIN: Please send us an email with the answer.
Senders of the 15th and 63rd emails will win the prize.
Complete the Sudoku puzzle as you would any other Sudoku:
The grid is composed of 81 squares, which is divided into nine blocks, each containing
nine squares. The goal: each of the nine blocks has to contain all of the numbers 1-9
within its squares; each number can appear only once in a row, column or box. In addition,
each vertical nine-square column, or horizontal nine-square line across, within the larger
square, must also contain the numbers 1-9 without repetition or omission. There is only
one correct solution to the puzzle. To enter to win this week’s prize, consider the
following code as applied to the grid: Each column of Sudoku is defined by a capital
letter from A-I and each row of Sudoku is defined by a lowercase letter from a-i. The aim
is to find the multiplication of two boxes defined by given letters respectively. For
example the box defined by (Ba) has the number 6 on it, and the box defined by (Ac) has
the number 2 on it. So their multiplication (Ba) x (Ac) is 12. To win this week’s prize
send in the solution defined by (Ee) x (Gf). Good luck and have fun!