Yes, Bilkent News needs YOU! We are seeking eager, energetic, dedicated student reporters, writers and photographers to cover anything and everything: events, arts and culture, music, concerts, sports, campus life, reviews, news, what's cool, what's not cool, what's happening, what's being said, and what is being done! Let your imagination go wild! If it's going on at Bilkent, we want everyone to be in on it, and we need people like you to write about it!
Does your friend have a band!? Tell us about it! Read a good book!? Let us know! Saw something exciting happen?! Share! Drawn some good cartoons!? We want to see them! Experienced a cinematic masterpiece?! Review it! If you've got ideas and suggestions, our ears are open! Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! How? Stop by the Communications Unit in the Engineering Building, Main Campus, Room G-22! Call ext. 1487! Or, send an email to! Bilkent News is YOUR newspaper! Get involved and help make it the best darn paper it can possibly be!\par
NOTE: To be considered for inclusion in the following Tuesday's issue, submissions must be in by 10 a.m., Wednesday. Short event announcements and Bil Ad's may be be accepted as late as 5 p.m., Thursday. \par
The Editorial Board of Bilkent News reserves the right to change or reject any submissions.