The only radio station to be tuned into all day, everyday is 96.6 Radio Bilkent. Your friends are set to bring the best music and freshest sounds in existence to your radio all year long. "World Chart Special" and "Weekly Top 20" puts the best loved songs of today from the US, England, France and more, into your ear! "Rock Park", "Rap Game", "Elektronika", "Fanzin" and "Caz Mavisi" take the road less traveled by presenting Bilkenters with alternative sounds from the worlds underground.
Keep in touch with Turkish Pop favorites with Türkçe Rüzgarlar. Friday and Saturday nights, the party starts with Berk Önen's "In the Mix". Check in with "Hollywood Hotlines" where juicy tidbits and OMG moments from Hollywood will tantalize.
Weekend mornings and Monday nights, be soothed by classical music as you wake up or head to bed.
Your music can be found at 96.6 Radio Bilkent, and online at! Continue to listen to the sound that comes from inside you!