The 5th Ayva Cup intermural basketball tournament, organized by Bilkent, ended last week. It began on November 26 and took place in both Ankara and Istanbul.
It was a great opportunity for students to show their school spirit by cheering on their teams. Eight universities took part: Başkent, Bilkent, Boğaziçi, İTÜ, Sabancı, Koç, Hacettepe and Middle East Technical.
In the overall results, Hacettepe came out on top and won the Ayva Cup in the women's division, while METU made a slam dunk in the men's division.
The overall results of the tournament are as follows:
Ankara Group Results:
Women: 1) Hacettepe 2) Bilkent 3) METU 4) Başkent
Men: 1) Hacettepe 2) METU 3) Bilkent 4) Başkent
İstanbul Group Results:
Women: 1) İTÜ, 2) Boğaziçi 3) Koç 4) Sabancı
Men: 1) Boğaziçi 2) İ.T.Ü 3) Koç 4) Sabancı
Overall Results:
Women: 1) Hacettepe 2) Bilkent 3) İ.T.Ü 4) Boğaziçi
Men: 1) METU 2) Hacettepe 3) İTÜ 4) Boğaziçi