Volume 14, Number 29
May 21, 2008

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This Week

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Prepared by
Ayşe Müge Yüksel (ECON/V) and Gencay K. Evirgen (CS/'06)

Last Week’s Answers:
Shanghai and Los Angeles

How can you win?
Play the word seek game to the left. Look for the words from the list below. All but two of the words are in the puzzle. Find out which, send a quick email to iletisim@bilkent.edu.tr, and you could win!


What can you win?
Send in the 1st email with the correct answer and you’ll enjoy dessert and beverage from Mozart Cafe.

Send in the 2nd email with the correct answer and savor a mouth watering Magellan brunch!

The 3rd and 5th email senders with the correct answer will bowl a game at Roll House.
The lucky senders of the 8th and 13th emails will be throwing darts in a free game at Roll House

And, for the 21st, 34th, 55th, 69th and 74th emails with the correct answer, beverages will be on Starbucks Coffee!


Romantic Couples

Yusuf - Züleyha
Kerem - Aslı
Ferhad - Şirin
Vamık - Azra
Leyla - Mecnun
Romeo - Juliet
Hürrem - Süleyman
Gencay - Müge
Napolyon - Josephine
Nazım Hikmet - Piraye
Elizabeth - Darcy
Superman - Lois Lane
Popeye - Olive Oyl
Temudgin - Borte
Nietzsche - Lou Salome
Einstein - Mileva Maric
Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie
Orhan Bey - Nilüfer Hatun
Victor Hugo - Juliette Drouet
Picasso - Marie Therese Walter
Çiğdem Talu - Melih Kibar
Adnan Menderes - Ayhan Aydan
Selahattin Pınar - Afife Jale

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This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to bilnews@bilkent.edu.tr
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.