An international symposium entitled "Sacred Landscapes of
Anatolia and its Neighboring Regions," was presented October 18-21 by the Department
of Archaeology and History of Art, with support from the Faculty of Art, Design, and
Architecture, TÜBİTAK and Alabanda Turizm.
Participants came from Belgium, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Sweden, and the
US, as well as Turkey. Prof. Lynn Roller - from the University of California, Davis -
opened the conference with her keynote address: "The Sacred Landscapes of Matar, the
Phrygian Mother Goddess: Continuity from the Iron Age through the Roman Period."
Subsequent papers, covering a wide chronological range, from the Prehistoric through the
Classical and Medieval periods, analyzed examples from every corner of Turkey and beyond.
The symposium ended with a day trip to the nearby archaeological sites of Gordion and
Pessinus, led by Prof. Roller, and the director of the Pessinus excavations, Prof. John
Devreker of Ghent University. Also visited was the extraordinary Seljuk mosque at
Revised and expanded versions of the conference papers will be published as a book in the