Volume 14, Number 07
November 6, 2007

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This Week

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Chief of Turkish Economy at Bilkent

simsek.jpg (7673 bytes)One of Bilkent University's zenith moments of the year was a visit by Mr. Mehmet Țimțek, State Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, to speak at a conference organized by the Management and Economics Club (MEC). Bilkenters were quite enthusiastic about hearing Mr. Țimțek as the auditorium was packed.

Minister Țimțek is the chief of the Turkish Economy, and one of the newest and youngest ministers in the current cabinet. He earned his B.A in economics from Mülkiye, Ankara University’s School of Political Sciences; Master's Degree from the University of Exeter on state scholarship; followed by years in global finance, including being Merrill Lynch's Regional Director for Europe and Asia.

Mr. Țimțek’s speech focused mainly on Turkey's economic policies. Though his intentions were to avoid discussing other issues, he did offer vital hints regarding the government’s political vision on controversial issues -like a possible incursion into Iraq and efforts being made on Social Security Reform.

simsek2.jpg (6181 bytes)Minister Țimțek stressed the importance of comprehensive reforms to enhance Turkey's economic power in order to be competitive in the world, and emphasized the need for fiscal discipline in establishing a durable economy. Probably the most promising and moving part of his speech included his vision of how Turkey's inevitable growth will help the nation become one of the top 10 global economies. He stated, "It would take so much effort to prevent that from happening."

Inquisitive attendees were eager to ask Mr. Țimțek questions.

In any case, this was a great opportunity to hear State Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Mr. Mehmet Țimțek, and an exceptional chance (especially for those studying in the field) to gain insight into the Turkish economy of today, and the future. The MEC deserves an applause for organizing such a landmark event.

By Selim Can Sazak (PHIL/I)
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