Volume 15, Number 22
March 31, 2009

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This Week

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Interval Training Attracts an Impressive Number of Participants

interval trainingThe Interval Training program, organized by the Physical Education and Sports Center, was held at the Student's Dormitory Sports Hall on Tuesday, March 24. The event included aerobics, Tai-Bo, step and fitness sections and lasted one and a half hours. Over 150 participants took part.

The gym was divided into four sections: weight and abs training; step and aerobics; stationary bicycles and rowing machines, which were introduced this year. The participants, who were divided into four groups, took turns doing each activity for three minutes. A special Tai-Bo session was held in the last thirty minutes, followed by stretching exercises. There was also a surprise activity, Kolbastý, which some students took part in. Overall, it was a fun filled hour and a half, ending with the students giving themselves a big round of applause before picking up their rewards: fruit and a Bilkent t-shirt.

The program is only held once a semester, so, until next semester, you might want to consider taking one of the many aerobics and fitness courses offered at the Bilkent sports facilities. For more information please call ext. 1993 and 1325.

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