Yeni Ufuklar Kulübü brought well known singer and actress Şevval Sam to Bilkent to meet with students on March 27. An immense crowd gathered to warmly welcome the excited guest. At the event, she answered questions posed by her fans, talking not only about her music and acting career, but also about her perspectives on life. She was born into an environment filled with music, thanks to her mother Leman Sam who is also a notable singer. She talked about how her life has been shaped by her love of music, reminisced about her mother, and discussed her feelings on Kazım Koyuncu, who was a close friend. Fans were pleased to hear that a new, surprising album is on the way. The event ended with her singing one of her most loved songs. Both she and the students seemed satisfied with the event, and she promised to return as soon as possible, inviting people to her concert that evening.