Volume 15, Number 24
April 14, 2009

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This Week

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The Snowberries of Autumn

müge tekinFor the Love of Spring…and CHOCOLATE!

It is so nice to see spring bringing Bilkent back to life. As the days get warmer and the sun shines brighter, Bilkenters seem to be enjoying the scents and sounds of spring, accompanied by birds' singing and the blossoming of trees. The flowers in bloom are as white as snow, don't you think? Even the rain is more pleasant during spring, mixed with the fresh smell of soil. The rush to buildings during the extremely cold weather is being replaced by lazy walks. It appears that everyone wishes the days could last forever, since days seem to be much shorter than in the winter, contrary to reality. Unfortunately, time flies more quickly, especially when one wants it to stop! There is, however, one thing as sweet as all of this. Do you know what it is? Of course, it's chocolate!

Most would probably not recognize chocolate as first prepared by the Aztec people. It wasn't in the shape that we are familiar with now. It was served as a drink, rather than eaten! It was cold and bitter, with a variety of spices, having a watery texture and presented with a swizzle stick. The Spanish word at the root of "chocolate" translates to "food of the gods," which, I believe, it definitely is. Moreover, the drink was believed to provide vitality, energy, and longevity.  And, for me, chocolate has become an indispensable sweet, as well as for countless others. It's usually something that is loved quite passionately.

But, is chocolate healthy for addicts like me? Contrary to assumption, chocolate is not the real cause of cavities. In fact, a recent study shows that cocoa contains antibacterial agents that actually fight tooth decay. However, since most mass-produced chocolate contains sugar, which is the cause of tooth decay, it probably counteracts the benefits of cocoa. Moreover, according to studies, eating chocolate makes no difference in skin condition. So it doesn't cause acne. When I heard that there are some people who don't go outside because they are embarrassed by their acne, I was surprised. This must be much appreciated news for them.

Is there a benefit to eating chocolate then? It has been proven that the smell of chocolate may be quite relaxing. Given this, I ask myself the question "Do I really love the taste of chocolate, or the smell of it?" I suppose it is the smell that I'm addicted to. So if my room were full of chocolate soaps, perhaps I wouldn't eat so much chocolate and would avoid all of those extra calories. What a smart idea. Why not try?

cukuA  recent study says that one bite of dark chocolate eaten once a day significantly lowers blood pressure! It has been suggested that chocolate may also help prevent cancer, act as a brain stimulant, and may help coughs and diarrhea. Maybe you have already heard that chocolate contains small amounts of phenylethylamine, which is a mild mood elevator. It's the same chemical that our brain produces when we feel happy or in love. I love chocolate, so suggesting that it's healthy is sort of my excuse to eat it. I know it's not too harmful anyway. It may trigger migraine headaches though, and I can't deny that eating large quantities of any such energy-rich food increases the risk of obesity, so it's wise to be careful not to eat TOO much.

This time, it appears that this has become somewhat of a health column. I hope you will all have a week as sweet as chocolate!

Müge Tekin (IE/III)

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