Yönet is a managership and leadership camp conducted by Bilkent University's Engineering Society. This will be the fourth year for the event, to be held April 23 to 26 at Esenboğa Airport Hotel. It is open to all students from any department, whether from Bilkent University or not.
The aim is to bring students who want to be successful managers together with the business leaders of Turkey. This year, speakers will include Zeki Sezer, Vedat Uygun (The General Manager of Volkswagen), Gamze Cizreli (The owner of BigChef's), Tunç Uluğ (The Chairman of Koç Yönder), Betül Akman (The Board Chairman of Hotel2000), Murat Çağatay (The General Manager of GAYA), and Ahmet Durul (The Chairman of SİM Danışmanlık). In addition to a series of seminars there will be workshops where participants can apply their knowledge to specific situations. In particular, engineering students who already have analytic thinking skills will have a chance to improve their management skills. And, over the three days, students will also be given a chance to enjoy social time, with fun and entertainment.
The registration fee is just 150 TL, and at the end of the camp, a certificate of participation will be given. Find out more by contacting, Bengisu Ilgıt at ilgit@ug.bilkent.edu.tr or www.yonet.bilkent.edu.tr
Sponsors for the event include Volkswagen, Teknik Alüminyum, Plus Akademi, Ekonometri, Ankara Life, Icon, Yenibiriş and Üniaktivite.