This year's Bilkent University Sector Introduction Days will begin November 4 and run through December 11. You are encouraged to attend as many meetings as you can, since the features of the various sectors will be key elements affecting your career choice.
Students who have attended 5 meetings -provided they arrive on time and stay for the entire sessions- will receive "Sector Introduction Days Participation Certificate".
For more information contact Career Center at ext. 1326 or 1131
Sector Introduction Sessions
Wednesday, November 4 12:30 p.m.:
Kriminoloji / Prof. Dr. Duygun Yarsuvat, Türk Ceza Hukuku Derneği / FADA, FFB-22
Thursday, November 5 12:30 p.m.:
Gastronomi / Özgür Bilgin, Üner Group / FADA, FFB-22
Friday, November 6 12:30 p.m.:
Denetim Danışmanlığı / Erdem Selçuk, Deloitte/ FADA, FFB-22
Monday, November 9
12:30 p.m.:
Fen Bilimlerinde Akademik Kariyer / Prof. Dr. Barbaros Tansel, Bilkent Üniversitesi / FADA, FFB-22
12:30 p.m.:
Sosyal Bilimler'de Akademik Kariyer / Asst. Prof. Selin Sayek Böke, Asst. Prof. Refet Gürkaynak / Bilkent Üniversitesi / MA-301
5:30 p.m.:
Reklamcılık / Fisun Bargu Soner, Reklamcılık Vakfı / Aytül Özkan, Reklamcılar Derneği /
Tuesday, November 10
12:30 p.m.:
Dış Ticaret / Zeynep Kuman, Ram Dış Ticaret / FADA, FFB-22
5:30 p.m.:
AVM İşletmeciliği / Ozan Canbolat, Ece Türkiye Proje Yönetimi A.Ş. / FADA, FFB-22
Wednesday, November 11
12:30 p.m.:
İş Geliştirme / Burak Akbaş Meteksan Savunma / FADA, FFB-22
5:30 p.m.:
E-Girişim / Samet Ensar Sarı, Genç Kariyer / FADA, FFB-22