The Library would like to thank all those who participated in our first Academic Support Workshop titled “Student Plagiarism and How to Deal with It,” last week on Wednesday, November 4, especially the invited participants Asst. Prof. Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak (POLS), Dr. Nazlý Akman (MAN), and Prof. Tayfun Özçelik (MBG). The purpose of the workshop was to provide a forum for discussing the important issue of plagiarism in academia and also to promote Turnitin, the plagiarism detection program currently available to Bilkent University.
Library director, Dr. David E. Thornton, delivered a short talk about plagiarism in general, focusing on questions of how students plagiarize, why students plagiarize and which students plagiarize. Then librarian Evrim Ergin gave a presentation about Turnitin and the invited participants shared with the audience their experiences of using the program in courses. It is hoped this workshop will provide a starting point for a more thorough consideration of plagiarism at Bilkent University and how to prevent it.
This week, on Wednesday, November 11, at 12:40 p.m.-1:30 p.m., the Library will hold the second Lunchtime Lecture for the Fall Semester. Associate Provost, Prof. Orhan Aytür (EE), will give a lecture entitled ‘Realm of the Coral: Color, camouflage, consumption, cleaning and courtship under tropical seas.’ In addition to his academic and administrative work at Bilkent, Prof. Aytür is also an acclaimed underwater photographer. He will address a number of questions, such as why are some tropical species so colorful under water? What exactly is a coral -- an animal or a plant? What does it take to be invisible to predators and prey? How do animals find food under water? Which animals provide cleaning services to others? And, how to find mates under water and reproduce? Prof. Aytür will attempt to answer these and other questions with the aid of his award-winning underwater wildlife photographs. The event promises to be a visual feast, and we look forward to seeing you all in the Art Gallery, at Main Campus Library, on Wednesday. As usual, lunchtime refreshments will be supplied.