What Are Your Eyes Hiding?


"The eyes are the mirror of the soul"
Yiddish Proverb

From the beginning of time people have been captivated by one particular feature of the body more than any other, the eyes.

This is not a shocking phenomenon, and in our daily lives we do not even pause to question it. But let's take an opportunity to do this now. Could there be more to this body part than it seems?
According to iridology, an alternative medicine technique, it is believed that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a person's health. Iridologists use iris charts to distinguish between healthy organs in the body and those that are overactive, inflamed, or distressed; they find out past medical problems or predict future health problems. Yes, just by looking at the eyes!

Even eye color is connected to your health. According to iridology people with different colored eyes are theoretically more prone to certain illnesses. A person with a brown iris is more prone to diseases of the central nervous system.

A blue iris indicates diseases connected to the rise of acidity, such as arthritis, rheumatism, and asthma. A green iris is connected with disturbed functions of the digestive systems.

The size of an iris can also say a great deal: small ones belong to the unsociable, self-complacent, and stubborn. Dry eyes speak of vanity, wet ones of caution and eloquence. Runny ones speak guilt; deep-set eyes indicate boldness; round eyes symbolize the ability of self-strengthening; and bulging eyes reveal anxiety, unbalance, and arrogance.

Looking at the wideness of the pupils, it is possible to define whether a person is interested in this or that problem; after all, even at the moment of small emotional excitement adrenaline is thrown into the blood and pupils dilate.

Also, in the study of body language, people have determined that there is a connection between eye movement and lying. When asked a question, people may look up to the left, or up to the right. Simply, if a person looks up to the left, they are accessing their part of the brain that is responsible for constructed images, so they may be lying. If they look up to the right, they are accessing their memory, so they are telling the truth. (This is for right-handed people, and it is the opposite for left-handed people.)

So, the eyes hold many secrets, to our body, mind and soul. No wonder they attract us so much!

For more, follow my blog at http://daretobite.blogspot.com.