Exchange Students Reflect on Experiences
Burak @ UT-Austin
As you know, Burak Subaşı left for Austin, Texas, two weeks ago to study for a semester at the University of Texas. We received the following e-mail from him upon his arrival.
I am sending this letter through a friend's e-mail account. My own e-mail address is as follows: bsubasi@hotmail.com. How is everybody? I hope it won't feel that bad to come back to school after a long break. As for me, it didn't feel very good to be back at school with no break at all. However, since I arrived at the University of Texas at Austin two weeks ago everything has developed very well. I found an apartment in a very nice neighborhood and the school is just wonderful. I attended my first class today and the courses seem to be great. Everybody is very helpful. As for Austin, maybe it is one of the strangest and most beautiful cities of the world. It is still dominated by hippy culture and in the meantime it is hosting one of the best universities in the U.S. (I sound like a soccer game announcer, don't I). Friends, both academics and the life here are great. In short, it's all good.
Despite all the good, I miss Turkey and Bilkent more than I thought I would. Hello to everybody from here.
Love. Burak Subaşı