Monday, April 26
Exhibition: "Kaos" by Bilge Kınam, a third year Graphic Design student.
FADA Art Gallery through May 3.
Film: "Escape from New York" by John Carpenter, 1981.
Organized by Katharsis Film Series.
FADA, FB-309, 5:45 p.m.
Wednesday, April 28
Conference: "Youth and Morale" by Rıza Sümer and Nurgün Ersan.
Organized by Democracy Generation Club.
Student Union Z-16, 1 p.m.
Lecture: "Why the 1930s, Even Now" by Prof. Jonathan Arac of University of Pittsburgh.
Organized by the Department of American Culture and Literature.
FEASS A-130, 2:30 p.m. In English.
Film: "Germinal."
Organized by Cinema Club.
FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m.
Friday, April 30
Film: "The Little Mermaid"
Organized by Toontime.
FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m.
Note: All events are in Turkish unless otherwise noted. For club events call the Student Union Office at ext. 1337 for any changes. For seminars and lectures sponsored by academic faculties, contact the faculty secretary.