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Volume 5, Number 5
12 October 1998

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Revolution on Main: Bilkentonites Happy with Live Music
On Friday, October 9, there was a revolution on Bilkent's Main Campus. Not everyone may have heard of it, but there was live music and a "Happy Hour" in Bilkent Cafeteria between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. It was a revolution because it was the first time and place on campus where students were listening to live music, having beer, and enjoying themselves since the the Spring Fest.

"As a person who likes rock and jazz music, I believe this entertainment has responded to a need not only in Bilkent but in Ankara as well because we cannot find such good music in such a good place with our friends. Also we would usually go to METU to participate in such activities. But now it is right in our campus," one student commented. A freshman said that it was such a treat to allow moderate sales of beer in such a nice atmosphere. "Also, such occasions bring so many new people together," she added. Some complained that because it was not well publized, it was just a coincidence that they were able to attend. However, all the students were very greatful that the occasion was organized. They also mentioned that it was such a nice surprise to have our Rector Ali Dogramacı come, have a beer, and listen to music with them. In short, it seemed like everyone was having a good time; Bilkentonites will support the happy hour with live music as long as it goes on. The good news is Happy Hours will continue each Friday at the same time and place.

(Pelin Borlu ECON-IV)

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