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Volume 6, Number 1
27 September 1999

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Bilkent Grieves for Earthquake Victims
We are saddened to report that some students from Bilkent University were lost in the recent earthquake. We would like to express our soncere condolences to the family and friends of the victims of the earthquake. The following is a list (this list is based on the notices received from the Bilkent community) of Bilkent members who died in the earthquake:

Zeynep Gürbüztürk (OMT-II), Emrah Onur Şen (POLS-IV), Volkan Uzan (former CTT), Can Buğre Başer (BUPS) and Serpil Baler (cousin and sister of Füsun Keserci at VSCTOM), family of Ali Mert Doğan (FBA), Yekhan and Sami Helvacıoğlu (parents of Dr. Banu Helvacıoğlu at POLS). Ahmet Göktuna (father of Bahar Göktuna. ECON student), father of Meltem Kısakürek (SAL student). Cihan Sakarya and his son (father and brother of Emre Sakarya at CTT).

They will be missed and remembered by family and friends.

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.