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Volume 6, Number 1
27 September 1999

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University Offers Part-Time Jobs
Here is a goos opportunity for those students who want practical work experience. Semra Oba, Personnel Office Manager, has helped over 1000 students to find part-time jobs on campus since 1991.

The students work as "student-helpers." Last term, 71 students worked in various offices such as Computer Centre. Student Services, and Communications Unit.

Students can either apply directly for the specified jobs that are pested in the departments or apply to Personnel Office for varous positions (by giving their CV's to Dilek Aktener).

To apply, your schedule must be set. The earlier you apply, the better chance you have for a position. You area allowed to work only one term out of a school year, and you can tork no more than 30 hours/month.

AS Mustafa Selim Kondu (ECON) says:

"I consider this program as an opportunity that Bilkent provides to the students. My reasons to join this program were to use my spare time and take some responsibility. I believe that this experiýnce will help me when I enter the business world in the near future."

Why wait? You take responsibility whle studying and also make some money before graduating. As soon as your schedule is ready, go and talk to Dilek Aktener at the personnel office. for more information. Call ext. 1238.

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
Please submit your letters to
or to the Communications Unit, Engineering Building, room EG-23, ext. 1487.
The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.