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Volume 6, Number 10
29 November 1999

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Transportation Services On Campus
Two of Turkey's renowned bus companies, Varan and Ulusoy, provide Bilkent students and staff with direct buses from Bilkent campus to such popular destinations as İstanbul and İzmir. You can catch a bus for İstanbul from Varan or Ulusoy on an early Friday evening. For people who want to go to İzmir, they can take Varan's direct on Fridays. Ulusoy runs direct bus to İzmir just before holiday weekends.

Both companies offer good discounts to students: Varan offers a 10% discount on one way tickets and 20% on return tickets. You can get a 25% discount on Varan if you travel between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. using their APEX program. Ulusoy gives a discount of 15% to all students and 20% to students that have an Ulusoy club card. Bilkent staff can also get some discounts with each company.

Both companies offer free shuttles from the campus to their terminals where you can catch a bus to many other cities. For further information on prices and schedules call Varan at ext. 2079 and Ulusoy at ext. 2077.

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