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Volume 6, Number 16
14 February 2000

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It Feels Good to Be Back Home!

Ali Doğramacı welcomes alumni and guests

On Sunday, February, 6, Bilkent graduates gathered for an Alumni Brunch at Akdeniz Restaurant. While enjoying the delicious offerings from the buffet, the graduates had the chance to see some of their former classmates and professors. As with any joyful occasion, the time passed unnoticed and several people had to rush off to get back to İstanbul on time when they discovered they had just spent four hours over brunch!

Here are some of the things the alumni had to say at the gathering:

Sibel Koral (IE/97, MBA/99): "During my studies here I lived in the dorm, and worked for Radio Bilkent and for the Career Fair. I was involved in several club activities. I spent the best years of my life so far at Bilkent. Being back here today makes me feel like I am back home!"

Ahmet Nalbur (MAN/91): "Today reminded me of our old days at Bilkent. I wish everybody we knew from our university days were with us today. It's wonderful to see how successful so many Bilkent graduates have become. It would also be great to see more members in the Alumni Association."

Ahmet Nalburİnci Akkor a devoted
volunteer at the Alumni Office

İlayda Pasiner (MAN/95, MBA/99): "I see the same faces but with new titles and promotions, new ambitions and goals achieved. I see the same sincerity but with a different look in the eyes, more confident, goal-oriented, a reflection of the potential they have inside. These Bilkent friendships are so unique that no matter how long you haven't seen one another, it is still possible to pick up from where you last left off. And Bilkent is what led us to where we are now and to where we are heading; we were, still are, and always will be very proud to have spent the most valuable time of our lives there. I'm thankful for this special event that allows us to remember where we were and to see where we are now. "

İlayda Pasiner, right and Burcu Tunçer

Yılmaz Şahin (IE/99): "Even after graduating, I have never felt like I have been away from Bilkent. Today almost feels like a Friday afternoon, with us just getting together to unwind after a week of classes. The only difference is, we are now all graduates of Bilkent!"

Burcu Tunçer (MBA/99): "Sometimes I feel homesick for Bilkent. I remember the Career Fair, and how hard we worked for it. Bilkent opened up a world of opportunities, that is what it means to me."

Z. Boğaç Üner (IE/91): "I would like to thank all the people who organized today's Alumni Brunch. It gave us the opportunity to find out what our fellow Bilkent graduates are doing, and also made me feel proud that I am a Bilkent graduate."

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