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Volume 6, Number 24
17 April 2000

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

This has happened to you. The incessant honking of the Bilkent bus driver is abruptly doused by a tinny electronic rendition of Big, Big Girl, Beethoven's VI, The Wedding March, or perhaps a simple shrill ringing which fairly screams, "Look at me! Acknowledge me! Love me, for I exist." Within minutes each cell phone-toting passenger arrives at the same conclusion: it is time to exchange banalities with sweetheart/mom/ housemate.

Others phone the friend who will be sitting next to them in class within twenty minutes. Those unfortunates with no one to message/phone are compelled by perverse convention to sit with device in hand, caressing it, as if this phone patch to the back of the bus were the sole link to a pal lost in Antarctica.

Cell phone addicts of Turkey: You are beautiful, you are complete people! Down with electronic leashes, up with silent contemplation, alone time, and involved conversations with the person sitting beside you. Stop the madness!

Thank you,

Kirsten Voris
(Masters Student, History)

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
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The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.