Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed only by Bilkent University students, faculty or staff. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items and ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.
Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any ad that does not adhere to submission guidelines. It is not responsible for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information provided in the ad. Submissions can be made to with the subject "BilAd."
For Sale: 1985 Mercedes 190E 2000cc, fuel injection, green metallic paint, alloy wheels, seat covers, sunroof, Pioneer stereo and speakers, from foreigner to foreigner. Price: $3500 or best offer. Call 440-1509 or e-mail
For Sale: 1984 model 1600 cc. 75 Kw Golf II. In excellent condition, new 5-speed gear box, new clutch system, new wheels LPG recently fitted. From foreigner to foreigner, $2700. Contact 266-5695 or
0532 510-4409.