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Volume 6, Number 9
22 November 1999

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Bilkent Loses Barış Eyikan in Trafik Accident
Dr. Barış Eyikan, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, has been killed in a traffic accident on Wednesday, November 17. Dr. Eyikan, 33, was on her way to the airport in a taxi to catch a plane to France when the crash happened. Dr. Eyikan's untimely death caused a shock at Bilkent and among FADA faculty and students. Holding a PhD from University of Winconsin-Madison,

Dr. Eyikan had been in Bilkent since 1996, leading the fourth year Design Studio, as well as lecturing on urban theory and design graphics. In addition to her academic contributions, Barış Eyikan had participated in several concerts of baraque music, playing the piano. She will be missed greatly by her students and colleagues.

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Bilkent News Welcomes Feedback From Readers.
This newsletter will print letters received from readers.
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The Editorial Board will review the letters and print according to available space.