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Volume 7, Number 14
18 December 2000

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Mastering the Art of Illusion
If you are interested in the art of illusion, Prof. Metin And from the Department of Turkish Literature has quite a few tricks in store for you. (First in line should be students who want their upcoming exams to disappear from the calendar. Next should be those who want to disappear from the face of the earth for a couple of weeks.) Prof. And, a well-known scholar of Turkish theatre and the performing arts, has an extensive list of publications to his credit. He says that out of thousands of illusion tricks, there are only a couple that he has not been able to decipher (yet). "The Art of Illusion: Show and Tell" will take place on Thursday, December 21 , at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Prof. And will conduct the program in Turkish.

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