Bilkent News will print classified ads, space permitting. Ads can be placed only by Bilkent University students, faculty or staff. "For Sale" items must be second-hand items and ads of a commercial nature will not be accepted. Only one ad per person per week will be printed.
Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any ad that does not adhere to submission guidelines. It is not responsible for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information provided in the ad. Submissions can be made to with the subject "BilAd."
For Sale: PC Pentium MMX 200, 32 MB ram, 3.5 GB hard disk, 15' color monitor, creative CD ROM.
For more information call ext. 1544.
For Sale: Peugeot 106 GTI, 1998, leather seats, ABS, sunroof, dual side airbags, full.
For further information call (532) 371-4474.
For Sale: Computer (bought 4 months ago), configuration: Asus k7M main board, Amd Athlon 700 Mhz ram, 15.2 gb maxtor harddisk, creative tnt2 ultra 32 mb video card, fly video 98 radio and tv card, creative live value voice card, 15 inches ADi professional monitor, Jazz vivid 360 watt speakers, $1250. Call (542) 536-1444.