Volume 7, Number 3
2 October 2000

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Top-scorers Choose Bilkent

This year Bilkent University was chosen by 37 of the 100 top-scorers of the 2000 University Entrance Exam. Out of these 100 top-scorers, thirty chose to study at Boğaziçi, thirteen chose Sabancı University, METU got fourteen and Hacettepe received four studnets. Koç took one. (One of the top-scorers did not hand in his university form and was out of this year's process.)

Ramazan Bitirgen, who took second place in the quantitative area and third in equally-rated, chose Bilkent Computer Engineering. He says:"It was'nt easy to score high in the university entrance exam. I had to give up many things at high school to achieve this score. The main reason I chosen Bilkent was because it's a foundation university. Compared to other universities, Bilkent has better academic and social facilities. I chose Computer Engineering because I believe it is the basis of all the branches of engineering. Bilkent is a good first step if you are interested in an academic career; and that is what I want to pursue after...

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Second Mozart Café Opens

Did you know that Mozart Café has now opened an outlet in the basement of the new building, near the Faculty of Science on Main Campus? Since its opening on September 25, more and more people are discovering the delights of Mozart Café...

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Also in this issue:

Performances Bring Warmth to Cool Autumn Evenings

Bilkent University started its academic year in a lively manner with many artistic and cultural activites. Two different kinds of musical performance were staged at the ODEON, with concerts from BASSO and the Kerem Görsev Trio Jazz concerts.

The ODEON, looking brilliant and exalted in the dark, cool evenings, hosted BASSO with soloist Cana Gürmen and the Kerem Görsev Jazz Trio. BASSO played excerpts from such ever-popular pieces as West Side Story by Bernstein, and a Polka by Strauss. Kerem Görsev, the famous Turkish jazz planist, performed pieces with his trio (mostly Kerem's own interpretations). Towards the end of the jazz concert, Kerem Görsev announced that one of the people whom he admired a great deal was in the audience and invited Prof. Erol Erdinç, Dean of FMPA, to the stage to play. Prof. Erdinç, surprised, stepped onto the stage and said, "Only Kerem would make such a cool night so warm!" and dedicated the piece he was about to play to Erkut Şahinbaş - the arthitect of the ODEON - who was also in the audience...

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