Upcoming Census: Announcement
On October 22 , there will be a census in Turkey. Residents of Bilkent University, both Turkish citizens and foreigners, are required to stay in their homes and dorms, at the university, from 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. , in order that census officials are able to collect accurate information.
In case of emergency (all cases), call ext. 1397 or ext. 1551 , Baki Ahi in the Lojman Administration; if you are staying at the dormitories you can call ext. 4002 Veli Karaaslan. The Medical Center will keep a sentry doctor, nurse and ambulance on call for emergency cases (ext. 1666) . Please make sure that you have stocked up enough food and drink for the day since you will not be able to go out all day.
Enjoy the comforts of staying at home for a day!