In view of the crisis faced in the last elections for rectors of universities in Turkey, Prof. İhsan Doğramacı has written a book called Günümüzde Rektör Seçimi ve Atama Krizi: Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim Yönetimine Bir Bakış.
In his book, Prof. Doğramacı provides examples of elections of rectors in Turkey and describes how rectors are selected and appointed around the world. Readers can find the book on the web at The book can also be found at Tİp Teknik Kitapçılık located on Olgunlar Sk. in Ankara, as well as at Nobel Kitabevi in İstanbul.
The money raised from its sale has been donated to Türkiye Trafik Kazaları Yardım Vakfı (The Foundation for Traffic Accident Prevention of Turkey).