Humour Club Gets Started
The Humor Club, founded last year, has started up again. Broadening its ambitions, this year the club has four sections each one of which is open to those interested: the Cartoon, the Organization, the Production and the Magazine Group respectively.
The Cartoon Workshop will teach the basics of cartoon art to students. Ability to draw, though desirable, is not necessary to join the workshop. The workshop will be held every Wednesday at 5:40 p.m. in FADA, FCZ-11.
The Organization Group will focus on organizing contests, seminars and field trips. The Production Group will be comprised of people who want to produce humorous writings both for stage and publication. The club is keen to start an amateur magazine made up of members' work. Those who want to contribute to the magazine can contact the Magazine Group of the club. Finally, the club will have Fun Sessions in which people can exchange ideas, memories and anecdotes. Fun Sessions will be held in the Student Union building (Z 04). All the workgroups of the club are open to Bilkenters.