Diplomacy Club is Now More Participative
The goal of the Diplomacy Club is to organize activities related to international relations and current affairs. The Diplomacy Club also plans to provide members with organizational, coordination and teamwork skills, skills which will be valuable in their professional lives. As far as possible, the club works in cooperation with other clubs in Bilkent, and with other universities in order to establish close ties outside Bilkent.
The Diplomacy Club has just reorganized its infrastructure so that it is more participative. In the club, all decisions are taken in the meetings and all members who attend have the right to vote. Thus, all members get to be a part of the decision-making mechanism.Each member has the opportunity of being a project coordinator; each project coordinator is wholly responsible for a single project assigned to him/her individually. Every project coordinator therefore has the opportunity to develop organizational and teamwork skills, to assume responsibility, and be creative.
Students who wish to participate in the activities of the club are encouraged to join. For further information, e-mail: dk@ug.bilkent.edu.tr or check www.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr/~dk