This lunchtime series aims to foster intelligent debate and discussion on controversial and/or profound problems in the broad areas of economics and finance. The emphasis is not on narrowly defined academic research problems, but issues or problems of general interest.
Thus, the participation of everyone regardless of specialization is encouraged. The meetings will be informal and participants may bring their lunch.
The first topic is "Inheritance and its social and economic consequences". Should inheritance be abolished? How does this institution affect income distribution, capital formation and growth?
Could alternative methods of providing incentives for innovation and work be found? Are there connections between a government's deficit finance methods, national savings and inheritance systems? Does inheritance help or hinder social security?
This first meeting will be held at the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Room A-214, 12:40-1:40 p.m., Thursday, November 2. Further meetings will be announced as they are determined.
Suggestions for future topics are welcome. Further information may be obtained from Erdem Başçı ( or Haldun Özaktaş (