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Volume 8, Number 12
December 11, 2001

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Board of Trustees Meet December 10th

Professor İhsan Doğramacı. 

   The Board of Trustees of Bilkent University met yesterday (Monday December 10), presided by Professor İhsan Doğramacı. Members attending the meeting included, Messrs. O. Baysal, Y. Dinçmen, A. Kantur, L. Sel, G. Süler, Ş. Tamer, Bilkent alumni B. Üner and A. Nalbur, and our Rector A. Doğramacı. Also present at the meeting were Bilkent professors A. Atalar, Ü. Berkman, K. Aydoğan, M. Baray, M. Öztürk and M. Kalpakli.
     Chairman of the Board, Prof. İ. Doğramacı stated that while the Board of Trustees make tuition decisions during the spring term, it can now be said that for current students, the tuition is anticipated to remain the same for the 2002-2003 academic year.
    Prof. Doğramacı announced that among the decisions taken today were the establishment of a new Masters program in International Affairs and Public Policy. The program will be chaired by Professor Ali Karaosmanoğlu, and its Public Policy and European Union division will be led by Prof. Orhan Güvenen. The creation of this program means that Bilkent will be hiring several new faculty members. Prof. İhsan Doğramacı also stated that the university would be actively working towards the establishment of an Executive MBA program by September 2002, and an undergraduate program in Psychology by September 2003. The Board also approved a 100 % increase in the number of incoming scholarship students to the Graduate School of Education, to support a teacher training program for elementary schools.
    As a result of the new programs, the number of teaching staff at Bilkent in September 2002, is projected to be greater than in previous years.
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