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Volume 8, Number 16
27 February 2002

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Classical Music Flourished in Eskişehir

Yoga Anyone?

From left to right: Kürşad Terci, Işın Metin, Kağan Korad

25-26 January and 8-9 February were extremely special dates for classical music lovers in Eskişehir. Thanks to the support of the mayor, the Eskişehir municipality’s first symphony orchestra gave two concerts. The first concert was on January 8-9, and was conducted by Bujor Hoinic, a member of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts. The second concert included the performances of two guitarists and Bilkent Faculty, Kürşad Terci and Kağan Korad, and was conducted by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Işın Metin. The Orchestra of the Eskişehir Municipality consists mainly of alumni of the Bilkent Faculty of Music and Performing Arts.

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