Bilkent Traffic Regulations Attract Attention
Dr. İhsan Sabuncuoğlu, Head of the Bilkent Traffic Committee, was invited to a seminar organized by the Çankaya Rotary Club, on April 19, to talk about Bilkent Traffic Regulations. The topics included, the Bilkent traffic manual, web page, BAIS traffic system, violation points system, traffic design contest, traffic psychology course, Bilkent traffic students team and some structural reforms. The issue attracted the attention of the Rotary Club of Çankaya, in that they are also planning to start a project, called the "Safe Community" project in a pilot region of Çayyolu- Ümitköy to reduce the amount and likelihood of accidents.
Dr. Sabuncuoğlu is also on the committee of the project, which was held in the USA earlier this year. The “Safe Community” Project Committee aims to be a nation wide traffic project soon. Bilkent sets a good example for the project, therefore it attracted the attention of the authorities with the success it achieved in reducing the accidents.