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Volume 9, Number 11
10 December 2002

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Tuesday, December 10
Türkiye’de Piyasa Ekonomisi, Girişimcilik ve Rekabet, by Prof. Tamer Müftüoğlu, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 2 p.m. Organized by SAL.
Film: “Spartacus”, directed by Stanley Kubrick, at FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m. Organized by Sinema Topluluğu.

Wednesday, December 11
Türkiye’nin 21. yy’daki Stratejik Önemi, by Asst. Prof. Mustafa Kibaroğlu, Asst. Prof. Pınar Bilgin, and Ersel Aydınlı, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 1 p.m. Organized by Diplomasi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Kulübü.
Conference: “Atatürk’s Legacy for Turkey and the World”, by Prof. J. Stanford Shaw, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 4 p.m. Organized by the Center of Turkish Politics and History.
Film: “Silence of the Lambs”, directed by Jonathan Demme, at FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m. Organized by Sinema Topluluğu.

Thursday, December 12
“Conan the Barbarian”, at FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m. Organized by Fantazi Kurgu Topluluğu.

Friday, December 13
Exlibris Sanatının Tanıtımı ve Uygulaması, by Hasip Bektaş, Şükrü Ertürk, at FADA Computer Lab between 6:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. Organized by Exlibris Plastik Sanatlar Kulübü

Monday, December 16
Makroekonomik Gelişmeler ve 2003 Yılı Beklentileri, by Asst. Prof. Cevdet Akçay, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 11 a.m.
Opening: “Finance Training Room”, at SAL, LD-1, 11 a.m. Everybody is invited.

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