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Volume 9, Number 13
24 December 2002

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Tuesday, December 24
Şiir, by Mehmet Taner, at FADA FFB-05, 1:30 p.m. Organized by 40 Ambar Edebiyat Kulübü.
Film: “Apocalpyse Now”, at FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m. Organized by Sinema Topluluğu.

Wednesday, December 25
Türkiye’de Girişimcilik, Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını, by Tamer Müftüoğlu, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 1:30 p.m. Organized by İşletme ve Ekonomi Topluluğu.
Talk: Türkiye’de Karikatür, by Selçuk Erdem, Bahadır Baruter, Metin Üstündağ and Erdil Yaşaroğlu, at FADA, FFB-22, 1:30 p.m. Organized by Yeni Ufuklar Kulübü.
Conference: “Death in Istanbul: The Bubonic Pleague and Its Impact on the Population on the City”, by Prof. Heath W. Lowry, at FEASS, Z-031, 3 p.m. Organized by the Department of History.
Meeting: Go Kulübü, at the Student Union Building, ZB-03, 5:45 p.m.
Film: ”The Bridge on the River”, at FADA, FB-309 6 p.m. Organized by Sinema Topluluğu.
Concert: Pilli Bebek, at Main Campus Sports Hall, 6:30 p.m. Organized by Müzik Kulübü and Kulüp Düşünsel.

December 26 Thursday
Mevcut Ekonomi ve İş Alanları, by Pınar Perçinel, Neslişah Yaşar, Ali İhsan İzbul, at FEASS C-block Auditorium, 1 p.m. Organized by Genç Girişimciler Kulübü.
Seminar: E-yaşam ve Verimlilik, by Mustafa Kemal Akgül, at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, 1 p.m. Organized by Operational Research Kulübü.
Conference: Yurt Dışında Eğitim, by Cankat Çıklakalyoncu, at FADA, FFB-05, 1:30 p.m. Organized by İşletme ve Ekonomi Topluluğu.
Talk: Türk ve Fransız Edebiyatı Ölüm Şiirlerinden Örnekler, by Prof. Dr. Hamit Sunel, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 3:15 p.m. Organized by Mozaik Kulübü.
Conference: “Ottoman Military Effectiveness at Gelibolu - 1915”, by Edward Erickson at FEASS, A-130, 4:30 p.m. Organized by the Department of History

Friday, December 27
“Formula 1”, by Mümtaz Tahincioğlu and Okay Karacan, at FADA, FFB-309, 1:30 p.m. Organized by Yeni Ufuklar Kulübü.
Concert: Alternative Music, by “De Monsters”, at the Speed Restaurant, 5 p.m. Organized by Müzik Kulübü.
Talk: Şeb-i Aruz, by Prof. Talat Halman, at FEASS C-block Auditorium, 6 p.m. Organized by 40 Ambar Edebiyat Kulübü.

Sunday, December 29
“ESTIEM TIMES Local Qualifications”, at FEASS, C-Block Auditorium, 1 p.m. Organized by Operational Research Kulübü.

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