Graduate School of Education Students Leave for America
On September 5, twenty-six 2nd year masters students in the Graduate School of Education left for the USA, travelling to Iowa, where they are being hosted by Iowa State University. These students have already started working in American high schools; for six of their eight weeks in the States they will be an integral part of the school they join.
These graduate students will be teaching lessons in history, science, and English, and participating in school activities and meetings. Three of the student teachers have already begun to direct American teenagers in a production of Sophocle’s “Antigone”. In October the students will inform the university and the local community about Turkey through their participation in a "Turkish Day", celebrating Turkish music, food, culture, and history. During their stay in the US, they will also have the opportunity to visit Chicago and Washington D.C.
This visit was made possible through the generous support of the Fulbright Program of the US State Department. To find our more about the Masters program in Education at Bilkent University, call ext. 2150 or visit the School offices in B building.