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Volume 9, Number 22
1 April 2003

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I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but perhaps we are all living the best part of our lives right now! Well, I don’t know how you would see it, but I find this idea optimistic and pessimistic at the same time, but most importantly, true. The “we” I am referring to here stands for the students of this university, and what could make these years the best ones is the probable fact that life will never be as easy as it is today, once we graduate. Ok, this may push you into suicidal attempts at first, but as I said, there’s the stronger optimistic side: For the moment, your life is in your hands, although you may not have realized it yet.
One perception of the university is a magnetic environment inside a huge building, with a countless number of isotopes flying all around. And as you enter from the front door and walk towards the back, some of those isotopes stick on you whether you want them to or not, even if you do nothing. What I am talking about is not just academics here, but how to interact with life, all the things which will make you who you are for the rest of your future. However, the choice of directing yourself is yours. It depends on which and how many of those extra isotopes you’d like to have on you, and that is decided by your personality and your magnetic area, making you unique among all the others.
Twenty years from now, we could be regretting what we did not do when we had the chance, so if you know what he might mean, check out what the chef on Southpark says: “There’s a time and a place for everything, and that time and place is called college!”

Efe Peker (POLS/III)

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