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Volume 9, Number 27
6 May 2003

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It’s that time of the year again- no not finals, although I must say they are creeping up on us-Spring Fest! So what’s special about these three days? Well for some it's just sitting on the same grass, getting your food from the stands, listening to amateur bands, then at night going to the concerts on East Campus. Me? I have a totally different view of Spring Fest. I believe its that time where I can lie lazily on the grass while I know that in the building I am lying across from, my classmates are dutifully in class..sigh..the time when almost everybody at school is on the same premises at the same time. Everywhere I look people are chatting away, playing soccer with a miniature ball, eating, running around or just having a good old looky roundy to see if anything has changed since last year. Usually the weather is great (and I hope it doesn't change this year) and sunny, and we usually all end up getting badly sun burnt.
Yup, its all part of the Spring Fest tradition. On the first day, you and your friends run around trying and playing everything you can and eating everything in sight as if there were going to be a hunger strike. But as the days and nights pass, everybody starts getting weary and tired, most of us are now just lying on the grass saying "mate I had a fantastic time last night… I think…I can't remember..” (if you know what I mean). Those running around enthusiastically and energetically are most likely to be those who had been studying for an exam over the first two days. Sigh… I can’t wait for it all to begin again. Playing sumo wrestling and having a good but “innocent” excuse to jump on “loved” ones. Getting stepped on or stepping on others at the concerts, basically living 3 days to the fullest in every single way. But what’s the downfall to all this, of course, the upcoming finals. But don’t ruin it for yourself by getting depressed over that. Oh! And don’t forget to drink plenty of liquids, you know, so the sun doesn’t get to you =) uh-huh.

Sibel Muradođlu (ELIT/III)

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