GE401-402 Information Session to Be Held
There will be an information session for course GE401-402 “Innovative Product Design and Development” for 3rd year students of the departments of EE, CE, IE, MAN, ECON, GRA and COMD, in EB-102 of the Engineering Building B Block at 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2003. Course coordinators and students of GE402 will share their experiences and answer questions of potential students.
As you may already know, in GE401-402, fourth year students come together in teams and propose a project which they develop for the whole year during the course. Therefore, it is essential to inform them during their third year, so that they will have time to get together from different departments and propose their projects as early as possible.
The web page for this course can be found at: http://ge402.bilkent.edu.tr/