Bilkent Lingo

29 March 2016 Comments Off on Bilkent Lingo


In this week’s column, I will explain some of the words and phrases that are used by Bilkent students. As might be expected, the majority of these expressions relate to classes and exams—things that students have to deal with. It’s said that most of them originated with an elderly Bilkent student who couldn’t graduate from school, even after 55 years, and so decided to live in the Bilkent woods like a lunatic.

  1. Brain-Vomit

Indicates the mental state of a student right after an exam. Since the student didn’t sleep the night before the exam because he/she was trying to catch up with his/her reading on the exam topics, he/she feels very tired and sleepless. In addition to that, all the information that the student has tried to get into his/her brain floats freely and forms a weird brain fluid. Right after the exam is finished, this brain-vomit will pour out of the student’s ears. The term can be used as a noun or a verb. Usage in an example: This exam made me brain-vomit.

  1. Stomach-Bullet

A special cocktail made out of coffee, cola and energy drinks, called “drink of the gods” by many lazy students although it’s very harmful for the heart, stomach and intestines. It’s used to get rid of sleep, which is a natural phenomenon that occurs when someone decides to study. Usage in an example: If you drink too much stomach-bullet, you might have diarrhea, or worse, a heart-attack!smmr (200 x 246)

  1. Summertime Sadness

A class that you’ve realized is too hard to pass while you’re already taking five other classes and so have decided to take in summer school. In contrast to the images of happiness and relaxation that usually come to mind when thinking about summer, this class brings you only sadness. Usage in an example: I got that summertime, summertime sadness…

  1. Minefield

A class that has too many ways you can get an FZ grade, such as failing to meet minimum attendance requirements and not getting a high enough average on quizzes and midterms to gain the right to take the final. These kinds of classes are the worst thing about Bilkent, and unfortunately they are large in number. Usage in an example: Because of these minefields, I won’t

be able to graduate, not even in 55 years.

  1. Sinmate

A lovely friend with whom you share the same miserable situation: failing a class, going to summer school, etc. Sinmates are the only ones who truly understand you—unlike your nerdy friends or your own family. Usage in an example: –I won’t be able to pass this class 🙁 –I’ll fail this class, too; you’re my sinmate.

  1. Final-Fantasy

Passing a class by retaking the exam. As the chance of getting a high score on a retake exam is lower than my self-esteem, and the retake exam is your last chance to pass a class, the term “final-fantasy” suits this situation very well. Usage in an example: –Did you pass CS224? –Yep, it was a final-fantasy.

  1. Bungee-Jumping

Starting to attend a class in the middle of the semester because you’re getting very low grades on the quizzes and assignments. As you try to catch up with what’s going on in the course while the final exam keeps getting closer, you’ll feel an adrenalin rush similar to what you’d have while bungee-jumping. This is not a suitable way to deal with serious, difficult courses. Usage in an example: Last semester I tried to bungee-jump this class, but I failed miserably.

  1. Fisher

A special person who takes all the notes for a class and then shares them with you. Fishers are very hard to find, especially at Bilkent due to the competitive nature of the whole school. However, when you do find one, you can consider yourself blessed. Usage in an example: I didn’t attend brutus-the-original-problem-child_o_2148633 (200 x 254)class, so I need to find a fisher before the midterm.

  1. Brutus Salad

A project group that’s filled with irresponsible people. If a group has more than one student who doesn’t keep their promises or doesn’t do what they’re supposed to, the group is called a Brutus salad. (If there’s only one person who betrays the others, then the group is called a Caesar salad.) In addition to failing to complete the group project and therefore failing the class, you can also gain new enemies by being part of a Brutus salad. Usage in an example: With my luck, it’s certain that I’ll find myself in a Brutus salad.

Note: If you know any other words/phrases of this type, please share them with me.