Saturday, April 14, 8 p.m.
Bilkent Concert Hall
“Charisma and Passion”
Lukasz Borowicz, conductor
Tobias Feldmann, violin
T. Adès, “Powder Her Face”
W. Wieniawski, Concerto for Violin No. 2 in D minor
W. Lutoslawski, Concerto for Orchestra
Wednesday and Thursday, April 18 and 19, 8 p.m.
Bilkent Concert Hall
Children’s Holiday Concerts
Bilkent Brass Ensemble
Orhun Orhon, conductor
Early Music Training Program Children’s Choir
Tuesday, April 10
“Through a Museum Window: Tacita Dean’s “Film” and the Substance of Contemporary Site-Specific Art,” by Dr. Ekin Pınar (METU), at FADA, FFB-05, 1:30 p.m. Organized by IAED.
Wednesday, April 11
“Intermeditation via Tiles and Mosaic as Architectural Tools,” by Dr. Gertrud Olsson (KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm), at FADA, FFB-22, 1:30 p.m. Organized by ARCH.
April 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9
“Blue Hotel,” at the Bilkent Chamber Theater, 8 p.m.
April 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10
“Devinim,” at the Bilkent Theater Hall, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 10
“‘Seeing’ the Proteins in the Infrared by Plasmo-Fluidics,” by Asst. Prof. Serap Aksu (Bilkent University), at FS, SBZ-14, 12:40 p.m. Organized by CHEM.
Tuesday, April 10
“On Darboux Integrable Equations,” by Kostyantyn Zheltukhin (METU), at FS, SA-141, 4 p.m. Organized by MATH.
Wednesday, April 11
“The Rise of Machine Learning: How New Technologies Are Touching Our Lives,” by Pelin Özbozkurt (Oracle), at East Campus Bilintur Conference Hall, 9 a.m. Organized by CTIS.
Friday, April 13
“The Goodells: Tracing a Missionary Family From New England to the Ottoman Empire, Hawai’i, and Appalachia,” by Dr. Owen Miller (Union College), at FEASS, A-130, 10:40 p.m. Organized by HIST.
Friday, April 13
“Flow Over Natural or Engineered Surfaces,” by Prof. Alessandro Bottaro (DICCA, Scuola Politecnica, University of Genoa), at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, 10:40 p.m. Organized by ME.
April 5 – May 2
Painting Exhibition by Reha Yalnızcık, at the Library Art Gallery, open every day (except Sundays) from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Exhibition opening: April 5, 5:30 p.m.
April 9 – 13
“Art Nouveau Architecture in Riga and Latvia,” at the FFB Foyer. Exhibition opening: April 9, 2:30 p.m. Organized by ARCH.
Tuesday, April 10
Employer Presentation: MSC Mediterranean Shipping Agency, at EE-01, 12:30 p.m. Organized by the Career Center.
Tuesday, April 10
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Agency Interview Simulation for third- and fourth-year students, at the Student Council Building, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Organized by the Career Center.
Until May 2
Painting Exhibition by Reha Yalnızcık, at the Library Art Gallery, open every day (except Sundays) from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Until April 13
“Art Nouveau Architecture in Riga and Latvia,” in the FFB Foyer. Organized by ARCH.