Fall Fitness and Swim Challenges

28 December 2021 Comments Off on Fall Fitness and Swim Challenges

Each semester, as part of its Sports as a Way of Life program, the Physical Education and Sports Center holds two events aimed at encouraging students to make exercise a lifelong habit. The Fitness Challenge and the Swim Challenge invite Bilkenters to work out in the gym or swim two to five times each week during a four-week period, with participants collecting points each time they exercise.

This fall, the challenges ran from mid-November to mid-December and attracted a total of 107 participants, 12 of whom who collected 120 or more points. The top finishers were:

Fitness Challenge


1. Aslı Memiş, Nida Begüm Akgün

2. Ayşim Delal Özkan

3. Öykü Bolat


1. Cahit Doğruer

2. Ömer Faruk Dalyancı, Yousaf Abaseen

3. Muhammed Ali Shahid

Swim Challenge


1. Miri Besken

2. Monireh Rahiminejat


1. Ege Bora Oral