Name: Sara Raposo
Department: Economics
Country of Origin: Portugal
What do you like best about Turkey?
The people! This sounds cliché, but I was not expecting Turkish people to be so welcoming, warm and genuine.
Are there any similarities between Turkey and your home country?
I’ve only had the chance to visit Ankara, so it is really hard to mention anything that I’ve found very familiar to my country. But I know that if you visit Portugal, you will find us to be a very helpful and welcoming country.
What will you miss most about Bilkent/Turkey?
I have found most the amazing people, and they have made the Erasmus experience much more enjoyable. I will miss all the kind friends, Bilkent staff, professors and ESN members that have helped me and brought comfort and joy to my heart. Thank you all!
What’s your favorite place on campus, and why?
My room’s kitchen. I’ve always loved to cook, but now it has become very special because when I cook I usually call my family. They keep me company while I eat, so it is like I am with them.
What’s your favorite Turkish food and/or favorite part of Turkish culture?
I just love baklava! I am having as much as I can because in Portugal the baklava is not even close to the ones I have had here.
Where do you expect to see yourself 10 years from now?
This experience has made me appreciate and value a lot of things that I took for granted. In 10 years, I hope I am happy with what I have achieved and motivated to continue to give my best to each opportunity. Mostly, I want to have mental and physical health to enjoy, with my loved ones, all the good and not so good moments that will come!
What’s the hardest challenge you’ve handled in Turkey?
Being far from my family. They are my biggest support, and I am really missing them. I have never talked to them as much as I do now.
What places have you visited in Turkey, and which one is your favorite?
I am not the best person to answer this question because I’ve only had the chance to visit Ankara and Beypazarı. I have, however, made a list of places I want to visit when I come back to Turkey with my family.
What’s an interesting question or comment you hear frequently at Bilkent/in Turkey?
Why did you choose to come here?
Describe yourself in three words.
Hardworking, communicative and too stressed!