Volume 11, Number 7
2 November 2004

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This Week


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TDP's New Projects

In addition to its projects from previous semesters, Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projeleri (TDP) is planning to initiate two new projects aimed at improving education for teenagers. One involves giving computer education to high school students, while the other is an effort to improve education for visually impaired students.
The project to help visually impaired students is quite different and ambitious in terms of both its methods and its mission. TDP is going to obtain professional support from departments at other universities that deal with the education of the visually impaired. This should help ensure the project's effectiveness.

TDP's coordinator Burak Yylmaz said that the organization was ready to welcome new projects suggested by anyone at Bilkent, and added, “We want to extend TDP through the support of the student union and our members. New projects are the focal point of our development. TDP is waiting for your new ideas and suggestions. Remember, it's never too late to join us and share your opinions."

Aslıhan Yılmaz (IR/I)

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