Last week the Disabled Student Unit (part of the Social Responsibility Center) under the
auspices of the Office of the Dean of Students organized an activity for Disability
Awareness Week. The event began with a talk on "Disabled Rights in Turkey and the Law
Regarding Handicapped People" by Assoc. Prof. Kasım Karataş from Hacettepe
University and continued with Engelsiz ODTÜ Coordinator, Claire Özel's presentation on
"Disability Models." After Ms. Özel and Mr. Karataş's presentations the
Choreographer and Art Director of "Devinimler Yaşama Sevinci Dans Topluluğu,"
Gülüm Pekcan Şimşir spoke to the audience about the company, which has been formed by
disabled dancers and about the company's work.
The event ended with a live performance by Grup Etken, a band formed by disabled