Volume 13, Number 7
31 October 2006

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This Week

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Tuesday, October 31
Conference: Kültürel Mirasın Korunması ve Tarihi Kentler Birliği, by Kayhan Kavas, at FADA, FB-309, 12:30 p.m. Organized by the department of LAUD.

Wednesday, November 1
Conference: Cumhuriyetin Geleceğinde Gençler, by Nihat Genç (writer), at FADA, FFB-22, 12:40 p.m. Organized by Genç Aydınlanma Kulübü.
Seminar: “Ways to Make Inapplicable CPT-Anticancer Drugs Applicable,” by Prof. Ayhan S. Demir (METU), at the Faculty of Science Building, B-Block, Room: SBZ-14, 3:40 p.m. Organized by FS.
Toontime: Tokyo Godfathers, at FADA, FB-309, 6 p.m. Organized by Animasyon ve Çizgi Roman Kulübü.

Thursday, November 2
Talk: Rusya’da Türk Müslüman Azınlığının Bugünkü Durumu, by Assoc. Prof. Celalettin Yavuz, at FADA, FFB-05, 5:30 p.m. Organized by Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Topluluğu.
Film: Woodstock Concert, at FADA, FFB-22, 6 p.m. Organized by Müzik Kulübü.

Friday, November 3
Seminar: Kozmoloji ve Rolativite, by Bayram Tekin (METU), at FADA, FFB-05, 12:30 p.m. Organized by Astronomi Topluluğu.


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