Monday Syndrome


Hello everyone, and welcome back to our lovely campus for yet another semester! Well, at least by the time you read this, you will have been back at campus for over a week. I'm technically addressing you from the past, from a happier time when life was easier, when we were innocent, young and hopeful: it was a time called vacation (or a holiday, a school break, days off, resting period, depending on your articulation and your geographical position. People tend to give many names to concepts they like.).

Just kidding! I don't yearn for endless vacation time. I would not want it any more than I would want endless work. It even gets boring after a while (though there are times over a school year when I hate myself for having thought this way, therefore cursing myself forever and ever), but still, I have to admit, it's pretty cool while it lasts. And this is exactly why I'd been putting this article off since the beginning of my winter break, before I quite literally forced myself to sit down and come up with something earlier today. The "off" mood, in which we invariably find ourselves during our (suitably named) off-time, combined with the ever human tendency to procrastinate, is basically what couch potatoes are made of! Just another episode of that wonderful TV show (hey, it's good to have pop-culture knowledge!), just one more film (but it's in French, so it's basically studying. Right?), oh and I don't think I have read any comics this week, so I'd better get to it! Time flies like this, and before you know it, those dancing days are almost gone. Reality hits hard, especially when you realize that you will have to go back to school soon. Everyone knows that the end of a school break brings about some of the worst cases of the Monday Syndrome. Well, for me it is more like a Sunday Syndrome, as I will have to go back to my tiny room of 5 square meters and try to fit all my clothes and books on the available shelves without causing a paper avalanche. We are talking about cabin fever to the extreme here!

So I guess the point of this rather pointless, post-vacation-syndrome-fueled article is that, now that we are all back, I hope we will all get over the laziness soon! I hope the rest of the school year will be kind to each and every one of us Bilkenters, student and teacher alike.