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Volume 5, Number 13
14 December 1998

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Contestants Receive Awards At Republic Panel
During the panel "From 1923 to Today: Different Perspectives on the Republic" the winners of the CD cover design on "Republic and Atatürk" and essays on "Democracy and Kemalist Thought" and "Atatürk and Modern Turkey" received their awards on December 10.

For the CD cover, Duygu Taş (GRA-I) won first prize, Wojciech Gawelda (PHYS-IV) won second, and third prize went to Buğrahan Kocaboğa, (GRA-IV), who could not attend the ceremony due to illness. For the essays, there were no first or second prize winners for "Democracy and Kemalist Thought." The third place winner was Aylin Kaya (ECON-I). "Atatürk and Modern Turkey" winners were Uğur Dönmez (SCHM-Prep) with first prize, N. Özgür Aydın (CS-I) with second, and third prize went to Engin Karabudak (CHEM-Prep).

The recipients accepted their awards from Yekta Güngör, President of the Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği (Atatürkist Thought Association), and Hacim Kamoy, President of Aselsan, and the Rector, Prof. Ali Doğramacı.

As for the panel, the first speaker was Prof. İnalcık, who discussed the responsibilities of a social scientist. He emphasized that although it is very difficult, a historian is supposed to be objective in order to understand history and analyze it. In that regard he stated that he did not believe it has been accomplished when it came to understanding and analyzing Atatürkist thought. In a similar approach Prof. Halman mentioned that it is the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights and pointed out that Atatürk's revolution and reforms replaced faith with idealism and realism. Prof. Gökçer gave a brief history of Turkish theater before and after the foundation of the Republic and underscored the visionary nature of Atatürk in founding the State Conservatory for Drama. The last speaker, Prof. Ozankaya elaborated on the economic democracy Atatürk created for Turkey.

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